The Voice Squad Barmy Army are a group of intrepid and fun individuals, who have masses of fun exploring all sorts of repertoire and styles of presentation. Rehearsing for an hour every Saturday in term time, they cover songs from all walks of musical styles, from Abba and Elvis, to Caccini and Adele, encompassing music from Shows, Jazz, Classical and Folk genres. With a great deal of harmony work, and cunningly delivered technical work, the youngsters acquire a strong level of performance and vocal skills, and much confidence.

Public performances happen AT LEAST termly, and a high level of commitment is expected to achieve polished and varied entertainment. Rehearsals are lively, entertaining and challenging: members of the older group attend to encourage as assistant tutors and role models, and the singers are encouraged to enjoy performing in a strong community right from the start.

Members are aged from Year 5-8: entry by a trial session.

Barmy Army Assistants